Free Unlimited Download: Guide to Science and Research Methods


Looking for a free book for research methods and similar courses? Look no further. This short book teaches basic concepts in research methods. These materials were developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education to Keith Millis at Northern Illinois University.

It was written by an alien who wants to understand the human way of doing research. The intriguing storyline lightens the experience of “reading my research methods book”, which, for many students is an experience that is as much fun as getting a root canal without anesthesia.

Contents Include:

  • Theories, hypotheses, and variables
  • Dependent variables, reliability, accuracy, and precision
  • Dependent variables are scored objectively
  • Experimental and control groups
  • Random assignment is needed to infer the cause
  • Experimenter bias
  • Participant or subject bias
  • Sample size, attrition, and mortality
  • Sample selection—representative of the population
  • Confusing correlation with cause
  • Premature generalizations