6th Edition Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking
Diane F. Halpern and Dana S. Dunn

Thought and Knowledge apply theory and research from the learning sciences to teach students the thinking skills that they need to succeed in today's world. A rigorous academic grounding based on cognitive psychology is presented in a clear, humorous writing style and supported by numerous real-world, culturally relevant examples and anecdotes.
Critical thinking is needed now more than ever before: fake news, alternative facts, deep fakes, an army of bots, misinformation, disinformation, and post-truth. These terms signal new challenges to critical thinking. How can anyone decide what and whom to believe: when bombarded with a cacophony of voices (some with evil intent competing for our attention? Anyone with some internet savvy can spread any message on the internet. The 6th edition of Thought and Knowledge has a new focus on what and whom to believe and how to decide in a world where deliberate attempts to mislead can be found almost anywhere.
In addition, there is a growing anti-science sentiment that threatens: how we care for our collective health and well-being with the potential for worldwide disasters, such as the spread of COVID-19 and how we think about crucial science-related topics like climate change and vaccines.
Thought and Knowledge has an excellent website with separate sections for students (learning activities, quizzes) and instructors (PowerPoint slides, test bank) and much more.
Praise for the 6th Edition:
“Thought and Knowledge is a superb introduction to logic, reasoning errors and analysis of evidence. The author is one of the world's most distinguished people studying how we think and how we can think more effectively.”
Richard E. Nisbett, Professor of Psychology Emeritus, University of Michigan
“In the age of social media, all of us are victims of information warfare, and ordinary manipulation. For our own sanity and happiness, we must learn how our minds work and how they are hacked. Thought and Knowledge is a superb introduction to cognitive psychology with engaging writing about the world as it is today. The authors use psychology to teach psychology. This book will help you succeed in a complex informational landscape, and it will help all who read it to become better cognitive citizens.”
Jonathan Haidt, Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership, New York University—Stern School of Business, author of The Righteous Mind, Co-author of The Coddling of the American Mind
“This is a book for our times. It drills deeply into the nature and application of critical thinking and provides compelling illustrations and explanations of its various facets. If you want to think critically about critical thinking, this book is for you.”
Stephen M. Kosslyn, Founding Dean and Chief Academic Officer of the Minerva Schools at KGI and John Lindsley Professor of Psychology in Memory of William James, Emeritus, Harvard University.
“Halpern and Dunn have created a fascinating, scholarly (but accessible), and eminently useful book that not only introduces students to some of the best research on critical thinking, but does so in a delightful, engaging manner. This volume is full of attention-capturing exercises that students will resonate with and learn from. By the end of the book, students will have been exposed to the best of cognitive science, communicated by an extraordinarily talented team with the gravitas to definitively own and teach this topic.” Wendy M. Williams Professor and Director of the Cornell Institute for Women in Science, Department of Psychology, Cornell University